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Tech Data Enables Internet Contrasts to Tackle Tough Video Surveillance Project

When the Gordon Hartman Family Foundation decided to develop two huge, adjoining projects in San Antonio in 2009, it sought IT assistance from Internet Contrasts, a San Antonio-based VAR.

The two projects, developed simultaneously, were the South Texas Area Regional (STAR) soccer complex and Morgan's Wonderland, the world's first ultra-accessible family fun park for people with disabilities.

While the projects covered a spectrum of technologies and tasks, including wiring the vast campus-like environment, completing the video surveillance was probably the most challenging task, says Brandon Zumwalt, owner of Internet Contrasts.

The key challenges were choosing the right cameras for an outdoor network, positioning the cameras to maximize the monitoring of all points of entry and exit, and designing and installing the right network topology to accommodate data, voice and video surveillance.

“Picking the right cameras was crucial,” Zumwalt says. “They had to withstand the 100-degree-plus heat of San Antonio summers. Plus, they had to withstand the additional heat they generate, which can add 30 or 40 degrees and turn equipment into melted cheese.”

To help make it the best camera selection, the VAR turned to Tech Data's Video Surveillance SBU, specifically Senior Product Sales Champion Kevin McCaffrey.

“Kevin not only recommended we use ruggedized Pelco cameras and surveillance software but helped us find a local vendor, Schneider Electric [parent company of APC], to do the physical installation,” Zumwalt says.

With Tech Data’s help, Internet Contrasts was able to sell 43 surveillance cameras to keep the kids attending these parks safe and meet their clients’ needs.

Learn how the Tech Data team can support your Video Surveillance needs with solutions by Axis, TrendNET and Toshiba by contacting Tech Data’s Video Surveillance team at

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