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Tech Data Corporation

Free Freight Thresholds

Free FedEx ground shipping is available for certain types of orders:

Order type Ground Shipping Charge Handling Charge

Web orders FREE for orders over $1000 $2 for orders over $500
$7 for orders under $500

Telephone orders FREE for orders over $2400 $2 for orders over $500
$7 for orders under $500

EDI orders FREE for orders over $1000 $2 for orders over $500
$7 for orders under $500

XML orders FREE for orders over $1000 $2 for orders over $500
$7 for orders under $500

This offer is valid on tangible goods only (software licenses are not included to meet above thresholds). Tangible goods must be shipped using FedEx Ground to a single destination within the continental United Sates. Freight charges such as COD will be charged to you.

Tech Data reserves the right to ship orders via alternative carriers.


 Shipping Services Overview
 Logistics Centers
 Ship Vias (pdf)
 Track a Package
 Special Pricing
 Delivery Times
 US Routing Guide
 Shipping Policy
 Business Partner Compliance Guide
 Contacts and Locations
 Regulatory Compliance
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