Password Maintenance |
Register now! Or
Link to EC Admin to change your password now!
Important: Passwords must be reset every 90 days
Our new Self-Service Password Tool
is a fully-automated password maintenance system that will enable you to change
your Tech Data password at any time, even if it is forgotten or expired,
without having to contact Tech Data's eCommerce Support for assistance.
Below are the details of the new features and functions of this utility that
will be available to you after you register:
All Users |
Main Administrator and Admin
User(s) |
Main Administrator |
For All Users:
Opt-In Registration
Registering for our Self-Service Password Tool will be completely voluntary,
although to sign up and start receiving the benefits of this tool will be very
easy. With Opt-In Registration, you will only have to take a few moments to
provide your answers to three secret questions and to confirm your e-mail
address. We will send an e-mail to you, containing a secure URL to complete
your verification process. Click on the URL to come back to the Tech Data web
site and validate your e-mail address, and you’re done.
Please note that if any users in your organization currently “share” an ID and
password (not recommended) , the first person who
registers will be the owner of that ID. Because the new tool makes it so easy
to manage user IDs and passwords, we strongly
urge you to use individual IDs and passwords for everyone in your
business organization.
Click here to begin the
registration process now! (back to top)
Change Your E-mail Address
When you change your e-mail address, we will send you an e-mail with a secure
URL to complete the verification process. Click on the URL to come back to the
Tech Data web site to validate your change. For your protection, we also send a
change of e-mail address notification to both your old e-mail address and your
new one, to allow you to better monitor and prevent any possible fraudulent
activity on your account. (back to top)
Reset Forgotten or Expired Passwords
If you’ve forgotten your password, or it has expired, you will be able to change
your password easily without calling into Tech Data's eCommerce
Support for assistance. Just click on the
Login problems, forget your password? link on the Login page. Enter
your login ID and the e-mail address we have on file for you , and we will send
you a password reset request. Click on the secure URL in the e-mail to come
back to the Tech Data web site and reset your password. (back to
Change Your Secret Answers
When you change your secret answers, we will send an e-mail to the e-mail
address we have on file for you with a secure URL that then you use to complete
your request. Click on the URL in the e-mail to come back to the Tech Data web
site and change your secret answers. (back to top)
Request a New User ID and Password
Customers with an active electronic commerce account who need to request a new
user login ID and password will be able to send a request directly to their
Main Administrator or an Admin User from the Tech Data web site. Just
click the Obtain a User ID link
which is located under Account Management in the left column menu of the Tech
Data home page. Select How can I get an EC ID and password for Tech Data’s web
site? Then click on I am already a Tech Data customer. You will be able
to send your request directly to your account's Main Administrator or an Admin
User. (back to top)
Change of Profile Notification
If you change your personal profile on the Tech Data web site, you will
automatically receive a notification e-mail that a change to your personal
profile was made. (back to top)
14-day Password Expiration Reminder
You will automatically receive a notification e-mail from Tech Data 14 days
before your password expires. The e-mail will include easy instructions on how
to change your password before the expiration date. (back to top)
Fraud Monitoring
E-mail notifications sent from Tech Data will include the date and time that a
particular request was made, as well as the IP address of where the request
originated. This information will assist you in monitoring potential fraudulent
activity on your account by giving you visibility to the source of these
requests. As always, we strongly encourage you to
contact eCommerce Support at one of the numbers listed below if you feel that
you have received one of these e-mail notifications in error:
U.S. Support Line: 800-222-7926
U.S. Fax: 727-538-5823
Canadian Support Line: 800-334-2445
Latin America / Caribbean Support Line: 727-532-8850
(back to top)
Password Lengths
TechData.com now requires passwords to be 7-14 characters in length and
contain at least one alpha character and at least one numeric character.
(back to top)
For Main Administrator and Admin User(s):
New User Requests
Both employees within your organization and Tech Data's eCommerce Support will
be able to send an e-mail request to you to create a login ID and password for
a new user from the Tech Data web site. When someone initiates a new user
request for your account, you will receive an e-mail with their contact
information and a request for a new login ID. You can then go to the
EC Admin tool on Tech Data's web site to create their ID
(please remember to notify your user that their ID has been created after you
are finished). (back to top)
Security Notifications
When we generate a secure request for one of your users, you will automatically
be notified about their request. This proactive notification will allow you to
carefully monitor potential fraudulent activity on your account. We
strongly urge you to contact eCommerce Support at one of the numbers below if
you feel the security of your account has been breached at any time:
U.S. Support Line: 800-222-7926
U.S. Fax: 727-538-5823
Canadian Support Line: 800-334-2445
Latin America / Caribbean Support Line: 727-532-8850 (back to top)
Profile Update Requests
If during a telephone call we cannot sufficiently identify a user who is
requesting a change and they have identified themselves as being on your
account, we will send their request to you. It is your
responsibility to then update their user profile as needed. You can update a
user profile by accessing the EC Admin tool
on Tech Data's web site and then selecting the “User Administration”
option. Please remember to notify your user that their user profile has been
updated. (back to top)
View-Only Users
A View-Only user is an individual stand-alone user.
View-Only user access rights are limited to updating their personal profile
information and viewing the product catalog only.
Each View-Only user will have their own password; however, because the passwords
for View-Only users do not expire, there will be no password maintenance needed.
You will be able to create new View-Only users by clicking on “View-Only Users”
under the User Administration menu in the EC
Admin tool, and then selecting “New View-Only User.” You will also
be able to promote a non-EC user to a View-Only user by clicking the “Make
View-only User” on the “Non EC Users” view. (back to top)
For Main Administrator:
Global Password Resets
The Main Administrator has the ability to globally reset all of the passwords
for any user type (Admin, Account or View-Only) on their company's
account. For example, to reset the passwords for all View-Only users,
click on “User Administration” in the EC Admin
tool, then click the “View-Only Users” button. To globally reset all passwords,
click the “Reset All Passwords” button and then enter the new password for all
of your View-Only users. You will be able to perform the same operation for all
Administrators and all Account users by accessing the appropriate user category
type. Please remember to make sure you notify your users that their passwords
have been changed. (back to top)